He has written 23(Twenty Three) Research Articles and 6 (Six) Books in Arabic & Bengali.
01) “الدعوة السلفية: مفهومها وآثارها” “Al-Da’wah Al-Salafeyyah: Mafhumeha wa Aathareha (The Salafi Movement: Its Concept and Effects)
Presented in a Seminar held in Al-Imam Muhammad bin Saud University, Kingdom of Saudia Arabia, on 27-28 December 2011 & published by Al-Imam Muhammad bin Saud University, under Ministry of Higher Education of Kingdom of Saudia Arabia, 2011, Vol-2.
02) “الروايات الإسرائيلية وموقف العلماء المسلمين والمستشرقين منها“ “Al-Riwayat Al-Israe’leayyah wa Mawqif Al-Ulamaa Al-Muslimeen wa Al-Mustashreqeen Minh” (The Narrations of Jewish Traditions and the View of the Muslim Scholars and Orienatalsits on it)
Al-Ba’ss al- Islami, Vol. 57, 2011, Nadwatul Ulama University, India (published in Research & Studies section in two Issues 2nd & 3rd ) .
03) “بين نظرية المنهج التعليم الإسلامي ونظريات أخرى” “Bayna Nazareyyat Al-Manhaj Al-Ta’alimi Al-Islami wa Nazareyyat Ukhra” (Between the Theory of the Islamic Method of Teaching and other Theories) Al-Ba’ss al- Islami, Vol. 56, Issue. 10th 2011, Nadwatul Ulama University, India( published in Research & Studies section ) .
04) ” محمد إقبال وفلسفة شعره“ Mohammad Iqbal Wa Falsafatu She’rih” ( Mohammad Iqbal and his philosophic thought in his poetry) Thaqafah al-Hind, Vol. 61, Issue-04, 2010, Jointly Published by India-Arab Cultural Centre, Jamia Millia Islamia University,India & Indian Council for Cultural Relations, Foreign Ministry of India.
05) “مصادر القيم الإنسانية في الإسلام” “Masader Al-Qeyam Al-Insaneyyah Fi Al-Islam” (The Sources of the Humanitarian Values In Islam) Al-Ba’ss al- Islami, Vol. 55, 2010, Nadwatul Ulama University, India (published in Research & Studies section in two Issues 9th & 10th ) .
06) النماذج الإنسانية في الشعر العربي” “Al-Namazej Al-Insaneyyah Fi Al-She’r Al-Arabi” (The Humanitarian Patterns in the Arabic Peom) Al-Majallah Al-Arabiyyiah, Vol-l2. Issue-13, 2010, Dept. of Arabic, University of Dhaka Bangladesh, P: 27-41.
07)” قضايا اجتماعية معاصرة وحلولها في الإسلام ” “Qadaya Ijtima’eyyah Muaaserah wa Holuleha Fi Al-Islam” (Current Social Issues and Its Solutions in Islam) Al-Ba’ss al- Islami, Vol. 57, Issue 10th 2012, Nadwatul Ulama University, India( published in Dawah section ) .
08) الإئتمان في الاقتصاد الإسلامي” ” “Al-Ie’teman Fi Al-Ieqtesad Al-Islami” (Credit in the Islamic Ecomony) was published in Al-Ba’ss al- Islami, Vol. 58, Issue 4th 2012, Nadwatul Ulama University, India (published in Research & Studies section ).
09) القدس في الإسلام ” ” “Al-Quds Fi Al-Islam” (Al-Quds in Islam) was published in Al-Ba’ss al- Islami, Vol. 57, Issue 8th 2012, Nadwatul Ulama University, India (published in Research & Studies section ).
10) تصوير الأقصوصة الطريفة في الشعر المهجري “ “ “Tasweer Al-Oqsoosah Al-Tareefah Fi Al-Sheir A-Mehjary” (The Depiction of the Humor Short Stories in Mahjari Peom) was published in Kali Koot Guarterly Arabic journal, Vol .3, Issue 2, January -2013, The Department of Arabic, University of Calicut, India .
11)”تغير المياه وأثره في الأحكام الفقهية“ “Tagayarul Mahiyah wa Athruhu fi Al ahkam Al Fiqhiyiah.” (The Changes in the Water and its’ Effects on the Ahkam Feqheyyah) written in Arabic and published in IIUC Studies in 2006.
12) ” ما هو منهجنا الدراسي المطلوب “Ma Hua Manhajuna Al Dirasi Al Matlub” (What is the Method of our Desired Educational System?) written in Arabic and published in Manar Al-Sharq Magazine, PP 1-6 pages.
13) المنهج التعليمي في عهد الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم وثلاثة أدوار في المنهج التعليمي الإسلامي “Al Manhij Al Ta limi Fi Ahd AL Rasul (SAAW) wa thalathathu Adwar IilManhij Al Taalimi Al Islami,” (The Educational System During the Life of Prophet (PBUH) and three phases of the Islamic Educational System) written in Arabic and published in IIUC Magazine in 2004. PP 1-17 Pages.
14) العلم والتعليم وأهدافه “Al-Ilm wa Al Taalim wa Ahdafuhu” (Knowledge, Education and their aims & objectives ) P1-6 pages, written in Arabic & Translated in Bengali PP 1- 6 pages.
15) ‘Akhirath’ written in Urdu (The endless period of life after death)
16) ‘Baitul Muquddis’ in Islam written in Arabic
17) لما جعل الإسلام حق الطلاق للرجل “Lima Ja’ala Al-Islam Haq Al-Talaq lil Rajul” (Why did Islam give the right of devorce to Man) written in Arabic and published in Al-Ba’ath Al-Islami Magazine, PP 1-2.
18) جنوب أفريقيا: تاريخها الإسلامي والثقافي والحضاري “Janub Afrikiyah Tarikhuha Al Islami wa Al Saqafi wa Al Hadari” (South Africa: Its’ Islamic and Cutural and Civilizational History) written in Arabic. PP1-5 pages.
19)المملكة العربية السعودية في عصر الانفتاح العالمي “Al Mamlakatul Arabiyah Al Saudiah fi Asr Al Infitah Al Aalami” (Saudi Arabia in the age of Globalization) written in Arabic. PP1-5 pages.
20) الإنجازات مترامية الجوانب لخادم الحرمين الشريفين الملك فهد بن عبدا العزيز آل سعود محليا وعالميا “Al- Injazat Mutramiatul Jawanib Li Khademil haramain Al Sharifain Al Malik Fahad Bin Abd Al Aziz mahalivan wa Aalamiyan.” (Multi-purpose Contributions of King Fahad Bin Abdul Aziz locally and globally).
21)السيد أبو الحسن علي الندوي: حياته وعمله “Moulana Sayed Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi: Hayat wa karname.” (The Life and Works of Moulana Sayed Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi) written in Urdu. PP1-9 pages.
22)دراسة تحليلية على مقدمة العلامة ابن خلدون “Allama Ibn Khaldun Awr uske Muqaddima par ak Nazr.” written in Urdu. PP1-4 pages.
23) شبهات في الولاء والبراء ومناقشتهما وفق الضوابط الشرعية “Shubohat Fi Al-Wala’ wa Al-Bara’ wa Munaqashatihima Wefqa Al-Dawabit Al-Shara’eyyah” (Misconceptions on Loyality and Enimty and their Discussion According to the Islamic Principles) submitted to be published in Al-Islam Fi Asia magazine that is published in the International Islamic University Malaysia.
Besides, many research articles have been published in local and International journals and others are in the process of being published.
1) الدعوة والدعاة في بنغلاديش: مناهج، إنجازات وفتوحات“”Al-Da’wah wa Al-Doa’ah Fi Bangladesh: Manahij, Injazaat wa Futohaat” (The Islamic Preaching and Preachers In Bangladesh: Appraoches and Accomplishements) Accepted for publication by the Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs, State of Kuwait.
2) ” القواعد الفقهية والأصولية في ضوء الأحاديث النبوية “Al Qawaed Al Fiqhiya wal Usuliayah Fi Daw el Ahadith Al Nabawiyah” (The Jurisprudic Principles In the Light of Islamic traditions) Accepted by Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs, State of Kuwait and jointly published by Allamah Fazlullah Foundation and Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs, State of Kuwait, 1st Edition-2006 (1000 copies)& 2nd Edition-2007 (1000 copies).
3) “Muallimul Al-Insha” Volume-1 jointly translated from Urdu (Published in Lucknow) Published by Allama Fazlullah Foundation and approved by the Jamia`tul Mudarresin as a Text Book in Govt. & non Govt. Madrasas. PP1-136 Pages.
4) “Muallimu Al-Insha” – Volume – 2 Approved by the Jamis`tul Mudarresin as a Text Book in Govt. & non Govt. Madrasas. After completion it will be 230 pages. Translated into Bengali from Urdu, It is waiting for final printing. PP-136 pages.
5) “Rasaelu Al Ikha” – Volume-1 jointly translated and edited from Arabic and Published by Allama Fazlullah Foundation. PP 1-118 pages.
6) “Rasaelu Al-Ikha” – Volume-2 Translated and edited from Arabic, in process of final printing. PP 1 –132 pages.